Apis dorsata
These giants of the honeybee world, exploited traditionally in Cambodia for their honey and wax, as well as their larvae, produce copious amounts of honey, and are the bees of choice for local honey-hunters. Migratory in nature, nesting high up under the tall tree canopy, very low to the ground, or anywhere in between, they are as equally at home in a small town or large city as they are in the countryside or forest. Their oft-enormous single-comb colonies (that need to be seen to be believed!) and aggressively defensive demeanor make them unsuitable candidates for domestication. Rafter beekeeping, however, allows honey-hunters easy access to feral colonies, which, when smoked, are readily exploited with minimum fuss.
Over the years Bees Unlimited has worked with rafter beekeepers, and encouraged them to engage only in sustainable honey-harvesting. We've also helped them sell honey to hotels and restaurants in Siem Reap.
If you're keen to observe Cambodian honeybees in the company of local beekeepers, then, by all means, join Bees Unlimited on a Bee Tour.