Bees Unlimited Siem Reap
Bees Unlimited Tours

Eco Tours

Hodophiles take note:

The Bees Unlimited Tour Experience
There's nothing quite like it!

So, if you're interested in one or more of our unique tours:
Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
WhatsApp +855 12 436 475
Phone 012 436 475

We're often pretty busy, so it's best to BOOK EARLY.

2 tuk tuks, maximum, per tour.
PRIVATE TOURS are available for an additional $30/pax.

Now open Sunday to Friday.
No Saturday tours.

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For a unique introduction to Cambodian food and culture, do consider our Combo Tour.

Avoid consecutive days of Temple Tours. They'll wear you out. Moreover, during your Temple Tours, consider also breakfast and/or lunch in Angkor Thom, Stall #38.
Tell them Dani sent you, and get a discount! Servings are large, so don't over-order. Your driver gets a free meal.
Everyone's a winner at #38!

* * *

A word about the US Dollar:
It's common currency here. Very convenient... but only if the bills are pristine. So, don't bring bills that are old, torn, worn-out, wrinkled, written-on, stained, etc. They will most certainly be rejected, and you will be stuck with them--unless you care to accept a major cut by a local money-changer, to have them exchanged.
Likewise, accept only pristine bills from restaurants, shops, hotels, etc. People here tend to offload their bad bills on unsuspecting tourists... YOU'VE BEEN WARNED!


Bees Unlimited

so much more than BEES!


Our Tours are NOT Temple Tours

Cambodia’s temples are unique, too; some are even spectacular. You can use the Interactive Guide to Angkor, to assist you--particularly if you're not hiring a guide to show you around (something we'd suggest, as you can thus take your time, enjoy the temples at your own pace, take photos and shoot videos at will, see just what you want to see, and perhaps even enjoy a meal at Food Stall #38, our favourite eatery in Angkor Thom, where their expansive menu includes vegan and vegetarian options served in a peaceful setting, surrounded by a number of less-frequented temples that you might also enjoy.

* * * * *

After a day or two, the temples all tend to look the same...
so, when you’ve had your fill of bricks, sandstone, laterite, and tourists; and are templed out, we'd invite you to join us on one or more of our tours for an unforgettable touch-taste-feel-smell-and-see adventure in incredible Cambodia, Kingdom of Wonder.

Back-to-back temple days will wear you out--particularly with children in tow--so break up your temple tours with one of ours. Then, rather than proclaim: "I visited Cambodia and saw Angkor Wat!", you can proudly and honestly claim:

"I booked a Bees Unlimited Tour and EXPERIENCED Cambodia."


Combo Tour

combo tour

A FOOD TOUR... and much more!

The perfect intro to Cambodian life!

Judging from the glowing reviews on TripAdvisor, this one-of-a-kind, kid-friendly, culinary and cultural outing is by far our most popular tour.

Cambodia comes alive for you here!

For a preview of what to expect, the "On Tour with Bees Unlimited" play-list on YouTube, and other playlists there, should satisfy your desire to tour with us. Do check them out... and feel free to subscribe!

During our Combo Tour we sample food, and plenty of it. Our focus is on vegetarian options, and we do tank up at a local market. However, FOOD is but one aspect of this tour; the other is CULTURE.

Market Tour

Eco Tours

A Food and Photography Tour

To feel the pulse of Cambodia, a market is the place to be; and in NW Cambodia that means Phsar Leu, Siem Reap's largest wet market.
This market has it all!
The proof is in the pudding, so just check out some of the 1200+ videos under "Cambodian Market Scenes" on YouTube, and see for yourself.

Our morning Market Tour is short, intense, and our cheapest tour; however, the sensory experience and photographic memories you'll take from here may last a lifetime. During our Market Tour there's plenty for the adventurous connoisseur in you to taste, try, and enjoy, as you dodge water puddles, fish on the footpaths, and myriad motorbikes, while taking in unenviable smells, and admiring the controlled chaos of one of the most interesting places to visit in Siem Reap.

This tour may test your tolerance for unfamiliar breakfast foods!

NOTE: Don't let lactose or gluten intolerance/sensitivity, nut allergies, etc. in any way hold you back. And please come on an empty stomach.

If you're a foodie, then this 2-hour tour is most definitely for you!

Siem Reap Tour

Eco Tours

Our half-day Siem Reap Tour focuses primarily on occupations and activities in and around the city, that are interesting and unusual, but far from Pub Street, the Old Market, and the urban crowds.

Angkor Nature Tour

Eco Tours

Our Angkor Nature Tour is a trek that starts behind Angkor Wat and culminates with a delicious lunch at Food Stall #38 in the NE quadrant of Angkor Thom. We get off the tourist track and search for unique, interesting, and unusual flora and fauna, along well-worn trails that criss-cross the Angkor Wat and Angkor Thom forests and lead us through the East Gate, a.k.a. the Gate of the Dead.

Rafter Beekeeping Tour

Eco Tours

A picturesque 1-hour tuk tuk ride past rice paddies, pagodas, and palm trees...
Our Rafter Beekeeping Tour takes you to Tbeng Commune, the one remaining community in NW Cambodia now where Rafter Beekeeping is still practiced, and can be observed, at times, early in the year.

Floating Village Tour

floating village

Away from the tourists and temples, our Floating Village Tour takes you to Kompong Kleang, 50 km from Siem Reap, and beside the Tonle Sap, SE Asia's largest body of freshwater.



Butterfly Paradise
Eco Tours

A zoological/botanical /butterfly garden in Kantrok Village, on the outskirts of town, a mere 7 km west of Siem Reap.

This spacious oasis of natural beauty, with fish ponds, waterfalls, birds, amphibians, reptiles, butterflies galore, and even stingless bees... is sure to satisfy most nature lovers, both young and old.

Butterfly Paradise generates income and employment for its orphanage and Cambodia's Adventist schools. It boasts an air-conditioned cinema that features videos highlighting the complexity of design in nature.

An a/c vegan restaurant, with a panoramic view of the garden, graces the premises; and their must-visit souvenir shop is full of homemade collectables and items related mostly to nature.

If you're keen to support a good cause in Cambodia, then this one most definitely deserves your attention!

BeTreed Adventures
Eco Tours

If you've got a few free days on your hands, we would highly recommend a visit to our friends Ben and Sharyn in nearby Preah Vihear Province. Their incredible BeTreed Adventures is only a few hour's drive from Siem Reap.

Green Peafowl and Red Junglefowl forage freely on the premises. And get this: you can sleep in a treehouse, and ride not one, but two 300m ziplines there! BeTreedAdventures is also home to birds, butterflies, reptiles, mammals, and even some bees...
A complete Eco Tour Experience!
And the food is AMAZING!

If you're anywhere near Siem Reap, have time on your hands, love wildlife and the wilderness, make your reservation and GET ON OUT THERE!!